Monday, January 14, 2008

Building Sand Castles in Hollywood

the main point of building sandcastles in Hollywood is building television sets. Rob Neill compares them because after building sets they end up being torn down. for Rob the steps, he first start as a "hammer", ( a basic carpenter) for the tv show Babylon 5. his job position was to build the interior of a space station. after the show was canceled he moved to ER, where he was promoted to gang boss, he was responsible for five hammers. after a year, he was promoted as foreman, a project manager who breaks down blueprints and delegates work to the crew. after 6 seasons of ER, now he is working on the new tv show CHUCK. for this he is building a home electronic store. the job mainly requires skills that can be learned outside the industry. lastly for the job ladder is a construction coordinator, oversees all set construction and hire workers. Neill recommends being able to read a blueprint. i think that this article is good source for people who want to go into a field of construction, and don't mind working long hours and on weekends. it is an article that i like and it is very interesting. as everything goes up, comes down. now that everything starts, it must end.

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