Tuesday, October 21, 2008


everyone in the world have a little trouble when it comes to leaving the classroom and moving up to a career. MONEY IS ONE TO THE FACTORS THAT GETS EVERYBODY THINKING. this isn't the main factor though, i is an important factor everyone looks for. "HOW MUCH IS THIS JOB PAYING?" "will this job help to please my parents in my career choice?" THERE ARE MANY STUDENTS WHO ARE AT A CROSSROAD THAT WILL HAVE AN AFFECT IN THERE FUTURE. there are 5 steps that help when it comes to this time in life when a person i undecided about career choices.
1. SAYING "I CAN'T". this is one of the biggest mistakes any student can make is assuming that a prospective career path is beyond reach. IF THE AREA PEOPLE HAVE AN INTEREST IN AND HAVE NO EXPERIENCE, THERE IS TIME TO CHANGE THE SITUATION.
2. gettin dollar signs in your eyes. THIS ONE IS CONCERN TO ALOT OF CAREER GOERS. they would question on how much an occupation pays. THIS ONE NOT BE FOOLED BY. when you choose a career, it would likely to be something you have an interest in and have fun doing it. IF THE MONEY IS GOOD, BUT THE JOB IS HARD THEN IT ISN'T WORTH DOING IT IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT OR HAVE NO INTEREST IN IT. some are able to find a job that pays very well or to a wage that they are looking for and in the end that job is a complete opposite of what they wish. THEY LEARN FROM IT, HELPS THEM THAT THE JOB IS NOT FOR THEM AND GO INTO A VERY ENJOYABLE CAREER THAT DOESN'T PAY TO WHAT THEY EXPECTED.
3. doing what your parents expect- of what you think they expect. THIS IS MORE COMPLICATED THING TO DO. go into a major that the parents wish of you. THIS ALLOWS THEM TO TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR LIFE. you don't have to go into somethig that they want you to. WHEN YOU DO, YOU GO INTO A MAJOR THAT WILL BE HARD AND NOT VERY INTERESTING. if you go into a major that you choose then it will make you happy, maybe for your parents it is something not to their taste. IT WILL MAKE YOUR PARENTS MAD, BUT LATER THEY SLOWLY WARM UP TO IT. if it make you happy, then slowly you will get the support that you would like from your parents. IT'S NOT A BAD THING TO DO WHAT YOU WANT TO DO.
4. assuming a job won't be useful in building experience. THIS IS SOMETHING THAT YOU SHOULD NOT IGNORE. opportunities are great in life, whether is seems useless they could help you in the future. A JOB OPPORTUNITY IS FLOATING AROUND, BUT YOU ARE NOT SURE THAT YOU WILL BE A GOOD CANDIDATE OR IT IS NOT WHAT YOU WANT TO DO. don't assume the worst because it is something that you think you might be doing for the rest of your life. NEVER ASSUME MUCH ABOUT IT, IT WILL BENEFIT YOU AND HELP YOU GET AN INSIGHT OF WHAT A CAREER WORLD IS ABOUT. even just volunteering jobs and intership is also a way to get these skills. IT HELPS ALOT.
5. going it alone. TEACHERS, FAMILY, COACHES, NEIGHBORS, AND SUPERVISORS FROM A PART-TIME JOB ARE MENTORS THAT CAN HELP PROVIDE CAREER GUIDENCE. don't lose out on this. THESE PEOPLE HAVE EXPERIENCE IN THIS WORLD, THAT THEIR ADVICE CAN HELP YOU. they can help with how the working field is like and they can offer tips on how to go about getting a job and stuff like that.
THESE STEPS ARE A GREAT WAY TO LEARN ABOUT HOW SOME STUDENTS HAVE THE SAME PROBLEM WHEN CAREER COMES IN MIND. never to worry that these steps have some very helpful tips and advice.

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